Creative Direction,Fashion Designer,Photography.
House of Red creates long lasting high quality products and garments made with natural fibres using sartorial technics with an emphasis on the fit. Taking excellent care of all the people involved in the process such as employees and customers.
Creative Direction, Photography, Content Creation, WebDesign
When Peter Brinkeby first moved to Mexico he loved the country, with fantastic culture, people, food, oceans and mountains and lots of sunshine. But Swedish born Peter felt there was something missing –a good bread culture! Peter started baking at home, following his grandmothers traditions from Scandinavia. To be honest, the first results weren’t that great, but little by little he improved the look, texture and taste of the products until he obtained what our bread is today!

Creative Direction, Photography, Content Creation
Chocolac began inspired by a desire to share something that came from the heart. Through this search, founder Matthias Müller learned the art of handcrafting premium chocolate in his native country of Switzerland. Combining Swiss and Mexican traditions, Chocolac opened its doors in 2016 in Axixic, Jalisco. Providing unique flavors with a compelling design, while maintaining a handmade quality.

Photography, Content Creation
La VitaBella Soul Spa Hotel · Restaurant is a space that calls for the healing of the body, mind and soul. We embrace water as a means of healing. We work with different therapies, such as flotation, Aquahara massage, hydromassage and sound healing. We are located above a vein of thermal water with a temperature of around 45ºC. The health benefits are many since it is rich in bicarbonates, chlorides, lime salts among others.

Creative Direction, Photography, Content Creation
Artemisa offers handmade, natural plant based products for wellness and personal care.
Focused on bringing integral alternatives for personal care and health that are 100% free of chemicals that harm the body.
Artemisa products are inspired by the medicinal root Chilcuague, also called Golden Root, Aztec Root, Chilmecatl, among other names.